Texture pack Legendary Pack by 849o1y

  • Legendary Pack by 849o1y

    Top-notch Pixel Art Minecraft Overhaul
    • 104552
    • 12.00 MB
    • 1.19
    • July 11, 2021
    • March 5, 2023
    • 16x
      Mod Support
    Legendary Pack
Texture Pack Information
NameLegendary Pack
DescriptionTop-notch Pixel Art Minecraft Overhaul
InformationDownloads: 104552
Version: 1.19
Size: 12.00 MB
Updated at: March 5, 2023
Created at: July 11, 2021
Mod Support



Legendary is a medieval-fantasy but close to vanilla style resource pack. Idea of this artstyle is to keep ideal balance between vanilla Minecraft visuals and pixel art medium. I tried to bring all of my 11 years of pixel-art and 3d lowpoly knowledge to overhaul Minecraft graphics and push it to the new level. It looks beautiful even without shaders!



1.19 support is here!

Port was done by ZeoMaddox


I want to say a huge thanks to this man, he has spared no time or effort in getting the files ported to the java version. I greatly appreciate it. I know many of you have been waiting for the java update, but it takes quite a lot of time and also delving into the subject. Before working on resource packs I worked in game-dev for a very long time, right now I can't afford to get back into modding because I'm working on my own game project. If you want to say thank you to ZeoMaddox, you can check his Website / Artstation / Youtube !



This pack contains:

- Complete high quality pixel art re-texture

- Custom GUIs

- More than 100 models of vanilla mob/entity geometry!

- Custom day/night skyboxes

- Biome colors total overhaul

- Blocks with 3d additions

- Vegetation variants

- Mod support

- Custom font

- Tons of remodelled stuff

1.16/ 1.17/ 1.19 compatibility


Official Support for:




With Better Nether and Farmers Delight mod support contains:


- Around 1500 new textures

- 300+ new models for blocks and foods

- Tons of nether fauna can be placed in nether flower pots

                                                                                     - Custom food models

                                                                                     - Chairs!

                                                                                     - Roofs!!!

                                                                                     - Tons of new nether wooden block sets

                                                                                     - 3d crystals and stalactites

                                                                                     - Fresh Animations support by ZeoMaddox! 



optifine HD_U_G8_MOD is the best for 1.16.5, optifine for 1.17 may log on some entities, try to switch your OF version to fix issues!

Fabric users should use Optifabric mod to make things work. Do not forget to turn on Custom Skies and Custom Entity Models!


Additional Mod support:


 - REI;

- Appleskin





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